Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Remote Learning

Individual teachers will communicate to students which pieces of work they would like returned for assessment and feedback once the student returns to school.

On the first day of home learning we hope to have work available, however if this is not possible we suggest that you use on the online platforms below:

1.   The myON digital library (Years 7-10)

2.   You can create an account on Seneca Learning and then students have access to may resources for all subjects.  They should complete the topic they are studying in school.

3.  Linguascope for MFL

4.  BBC Bitesize for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4

5.  The Oak National Academy has live lessons which match many of the topics being studied in school

Check with your children which topics they have been completing in school and then use one of the above platforms to find that topic and complete the questions / tasks set.

How do I organise work each day?

When working from home, we suggest that your child follows their normal school timetable and completes around 40 minutes of work for each lesson.  However, if this does not suit your circumstances (perhaps you are also working from home) them please fit the work in around when is best for you.  Whilst we have tried our best to ensure tasks are very clear, some students will need the support of their parents.  Please don't worry if some of the tasks prove too difficult.  Students will not be penalised for work they haven't completed, they should do as much as they can.  You as a parent, are best placed to observe how your child is coping with remote learning and if you feel that concentrating on some subjects over others is appropriate, then please make that decision.  Teacher will communicate with students which pieces of work will be assessed so that your child receives the feedback they need to continue to make progress.

If your child is really struggling with a number of tasks set in other subjects, then please contact telling us the name of your child, Year Group and the subject.  Teacher will then contact you to provide supports and when they are able to do so.

My child has a special educational need

If you child has an EHCP or has a significant SEN need (as determined by the school), then they will be allocated a Teaching Assistant who will call you to offer support and guidance once per week.  We will endeavour to support other students with SEN needs if we have sufficient capacity to do so. 

We understand the difficulty and stress which can be caused when students are working from home.  Nothing can replace the classroom experience, however teachers have worked incredibly hard to ensure as far as possible,the learning that takes place at home is in line to that taking place at school.

If you are struggling with digital access during the period of isolation, please email