
PREVENT Risk Assessment and Action Plan

Potential Risks:

1) Students accessing extremist material in school VERY LOW RISK
  IT filters in use at all times, making accessing unsuitable material very difficult. Tracking software allows staff to log any attempts to access extremist material and identify students.  
2) Students accessing extremist material outside school LOW / MEDIUM RISK
  PSHE lessons and assemblies to focus on the dangers of extremism, educating students about the risks and what to do if they find or are encouraged to access extremist material.
E-safety evenings for parents to show them how to set filters at home and what to be aware of.
3) Students expressing extreme views or encouraging others to behave extremely LOW RISK
  Pastoral system understood by all students and they are confident to disclose to key staff. Staff aware of PREVENT and dangers of extremism and report using the LOC form. PCSO contact in city can be used to support messages about dangers and legalities of extreme or radical behaviour.  
4) The school becoming associated with extremist groups VERY LOW RISK
  External bookings carefully checked that they are not affiliated with extremism. Policies in place to deal with staff, students or visitors who express extremist or anti-British sentiments.  

Key actions:

  Action Point Timescale Staff Responsible
1. Ensure PSHE schemes are updated and reflect key messages about extremism Annually SMT in conjunction with PSHE Co-ordinator
2. Ensure staff are kept up to date with PREVENT and can recognise potential warning signs of radicalisation At least annually SMT
3. Ensure ICT filters and policies protect students, staff and visitors from extremist material Annually ICT Network Manager
4. Ensure students are aware of dangers and what to do if they feel at risk of radicalisation Assembly programme, ICT curriculum, PSHE curriculum need updating annually SMT, Heads of Year and Teaching Staff
5. Discuss students at risk of radicalisation during safeguarding meetings Weekly Assistant Headteacher / Pastoral Staff
6. Update risk assessment Annually SMT
7. Consider external bookings, checking not affiliated with extremism Ongoing Lettings Administrator 

MDSA Prevent Lead:  Mrs A Knight, Assistant Headteacher