Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Curriculum Intent

Our Core Values underpin our curriculum; it has been designed to inspire and nurture, whilst ensuring student achievement by removing barriers to learning.  We will provide quality of opportunity, care and challenge vital for them to realise their ambitions.

Knowledge and Ambition

Both the taught and the wider curriculum are the foundation for future success and we believe our curriculum will furnish your child with the knowledge and expertise needed to embark upon a successful future.  Students will be encouraged to think creatively and critically whilst respecting others and the environments in which they live. They will be able to access all the learning necessary to prepare them for a complex, changing, technological and competitive world.  We want all our students to be ambitious for themselves and about their futures, whatever their starting point.  We have a strong belief that outstanding literacy skills can change a young person’s future so this forms part of their weekly learning.

Respect and Strength

These values are fundamental to our ethos at MDSA.  For this reason, we believe that developing lifeskills and resilience alongside promoting wellbeing should be at the heart of all we do.  This means that whilst we will deliver a broad offer, with traditional subjects, we have taken a unique approach to our wider curriculum.  These themes will be apparent throughout all subject areas, along with a daily programme that tackles key issues, promotes individual worth, social cohesion, emotional intelligence and physical health.  Through our “Mind, Body and Soul”, students will engage in a wide variety of activities, all delivered with their wellbeing in mind.  Our students will be self-regulating and resilient and socially equipped to engage confidently with the wider world.

We aim to develop highly literate, numerate and knowledgeable learners who are creative, character development goes hand in hand with our striving for academic excellence. We want students to leave us happy and healthy, with a strong moral compass as well as with qualifications which have integrity.