Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust


At Manor Drive Secondary Academy our aim is for all of our students to have a Chromebook and inking device to support and enhance their learning.  All parents / carers are asked to join in the purchase scheme to ensure your child is prepared for their secondary education.

Some of the ways your child will use Chromebooks:

  • To access a wealth of online resources both in class and at home.
  • To utilise a range of applications (word processing, spreadsheets and presentations).
  • To share and celebrate student's work and success.
  • To allow collaboration with peers and the wider school community.
  • To foster independence and organisation skills for our students, enhanced by technology.

We are excited to embrace technology in our classrooms, not just for the sake of technology but because of the potential benefits to learning whilst also preparing our students for a paperless future.

Mrs Benton, our Teacher of Science and Maths, leads the use of Chromebooks in teaching and learning.  She brings with her recent experience of a school using similar devices, where students have quickly adapted to inking (or typing) on screen and benefited from using tools such as OneNote to organise their learning.

Chromebooks open up opportunities for dynamic lessons with rapid feedback, where students can more easily access differentiated activities and homework can be managed online so no more lost sheets or forgotten tasks.

Students will also be able to use Microsoft's accessibility features such as Immersive Reader, translation tools and high contrast backgrounds which can benefit all students, but especially some of our SEND and EAL students.  Should students be absent for any reason, they will easily be able to access the notes and activities from the lessons they have missed.

The devices are cost effective for parents / carers to purchase.  Every year we will go out for tender to source the most cost effective and appropriate device for the students.  The cost of this device will be communicated as early as possible before your child starts with us.   

What does the payment I am making cover?

The Manor Drive Bundle includes:

  • Chromebook
  • 3 Years Insurance which covers Accidental damage, Theft, Flood Damage, Fire Damage, Malicious Damage NO EXCESS
  • 3 Year warranty
  • Case

How can I pay?

We have teamed up with Dataspire and Edde to provide cost effective product and finance solution.  We have secured a competitively priced, rugged model Chromebook.  There are various payment options available including 36 months, 24 months, 12 months and a one off payment.  We understand the financial challenges that people are facing in the current climate.  If families are finding the Chromebook cost an issue, please contact us directly via email  to discuss what support may be available.  

I don't want the insurance, can I remove it?

If you decide to pay in one lump sum, there is an option to choose the bundle without the 3 years insurance.   

Please be aware though, that if you choose this option and the device is damaged, you will not be able to claim through the school or Dataspire / Edde for a replacement or repair.  We would urge you to consider carefully the risk involved with a heavy use item that is taken to school and back home each day.  You can of course endeavour to insure the item yourself.

There is not the facility to remove the insurance on the instalment plans as the device is 'owned' by the Academy until all the instalments are paid. 

My child already has a laptop do I still need to purchase this Chromebook? 

We would be aiming for every child to use the same hardware to ensure compatibility with school programmes.  Having a Chromebook specific for school use, which is the same as all other students will ensure staff are able to assist with use and be familiar with the workings of the hardware.

Will I be credit checked?

No credit check will take place even if you choose to pay by instalments or lump sum.  You are not personally responsible for the lease, it is a contribution scheme.  

Is this compulsory?

Our aim is for all students to have their own Chromebook to enhance and support their learning.  We are therefore encouraging all parents/carers to commit this contribution to their child's education.  This is not compulsory, we have devices (subject to availability) that students can borrow on a daily basis if required however they would not be able to take them home. We cannot guarantee that there would be a device available to borrow every day as we only have a limited number.