Time Capsule & Year 6 Transition Day

We would love to get your ideas of what are the important things that could be put in the Time Capsule!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming all our new Year 7 students to Manor Drive Secondary Academy.
As part of their transition into Year 7 they will spend some time at the Academy during the summer term. This is known as Year 6 Transition Day. The students are in the unique position of being the very first children to enter the school. They will be using the facilities for the very first time and will go down in Manor Drive history! To capture these special moments, we will be collating pictures and memorabilia from the very start of the build, right through to the student's first day in the Academy in September. These items will be retained in a Time Capsule and buried or displayed on site to be opened in many years to come. During Year 6 Transition Day, one of the activities will be to draw or design a picture to be retained in the Time Capsule. We would love to get your ideas of what other important things could be put in the Time Capsule!
Manor Drive Secondary and Primary Academy is at the heart of a growing community. We want to make sure you are involved in all the exciting times ahead!
To communicate your ideas to us please email office@manordrivesecondary.org.uk or visit our Facebook page 'manordriveacademies' and comment on the Time Capsule post.